Chanting, storytelling, and play - for little yogis and their parents!
If you have kids, you know how much they love music, singing, dancing, and playing instruments. The yoga tradition has even more to offer us than the fun and feel-good effect of postures and movement, it is rich and full of beautiful sound practices and in particular the chanting (singing) of mantras, from the most simple sounds to the more elaborate poetry of Sanskrit verses.
’Kirtan’ means to rejoice and it is the practice of making sound to express joy. Kirtan Kids is a club for babies and toddlers and their parents to enjoy making sound together, playing and rejoicing!
We will make noise, sing simple mantras in English and Sanskrit, hear stories about the myths behind the mantras, move and breathe and celebrate being together!
Thursday 18th November - 2.30 til 3.45pm - Fearless Space Dennistoun
This event is for babies and toddlers from the age of 6months up to 5years and their parents.
Capacity is limited to 8 people to allow for social distancing.
Book your spot below!